Our Goal

Our Goal
To eat and provide healthier eggs that don't hurt our bodies like store bought eggs do. And better tasting eggs too! I also want to share my experiences and pass along what I find out along the way. I also pray insome way, that you are entertained or inspired, as well.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Pictures of Chickens (Pullets And One Rooster) At Seventeen Weeks

Our pullets and now revealed rooster is are seventeen weeks old. Thought you might like to see the changes to compare with your own. We chicken owners love to see other people's chickens too, or see what ours will look like in the future. So here is their seventeen week old appearance.

   The top photo is a Black Australorp Roo, he has a fault though, his eyes are too light, orange as a matter-of-fact.

   The second photo is of one of his four sisters. They have the proper eye coloring, as you can see.

   The third photo is of the roo again, and the fourth one too, but with a Cherry Egger trotting away. The Cherry Eggers are photo shy apparantly.

And, of course our dear golden comet, Snowy. She has the a lot of white on her, and has a little more comb development going, and color than her sister pullets do. Some have dared to guess she's a roo. But she's too girly for that! She's a real sweetie and croons to me a lot. She will also let me hold her. Then after I put her down, Sassy punishes her. Stinker. No jealousy in our henhouse, no, not at all, lol!

A shot of the gang as they free range. Left, Speckled Sussex's, left rear, Fluffy is back there (Golden Comet). Middle, Cherry Eggers, rear-middle is a Black Australorp. Front, right, middle, and the far right shows two Golden Comets. Sassy is the Golden Comet in the middle, next to the Cherry Egger. She is our darkest Golden Comet, and she likes to bite me if I try to pet her. So I try to sneak a pet from behind when she can't reach me, lol.

 This is Mrs Owl, closest to the camera. She is one of our two Ameraucanas. A Golden Comet is behind her, and you can barely see one of our two Speckled Sussex to the left of Mrs. Owl.

 The roo (Black Australorp) is on the left, a Golden Comet is in the middle, and a Black Australorp pullet on the right. This is a comparison between the rooster's tail and the pullet's tail.

As you can see here our rooster is getting bigger than the pullets. That's a Cherry Egger pullet in the corner, on the left. Mrs. Hawk, our other Ameraucana, is the front one with only her head and shoulders showing. And a Black Australorp pullet is the one on the right.

This is Snowy showing us how pretty her fluffy parts are, lol. She is a very beautiful, but also our smallest, Golden Comet.

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